Annual Notifications
NYSSBA Annual Parent Notification Requirements
Access to School District Records
Requests for information that the district makes available according to the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) should be addressed to Carolyn Mahar, Assistant Superintendent for Business, Rye Neck UFSD, 310 Hornidge Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 or by filling out the Foil Request Form.
Access to Student Records
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents and students over 18 years of age have the right to inspect and review the student‘s records or request an amendment of records believed to be incorrect. They can also withhold consent on disclosure of personally identifiable information, except in cases where the law allows for disclosure without consent.
FERPA Notification (English)
FERPA Notification (Spanish)
Asbestos Management Plan
In accordance with federal law, the Rye Neck Union Free School District has in place a management plan to identify and manage asbestos building materials. The Asbestos Management Plan is on file and available for review in the District Office during regular business hours.
Attendance Policy
The Rye Neck School District believes that regular school attendance and student success have a direct correlation. It is the intent of the district to strongly encourage students to be in attendance every day. Therefore, our goal is to have students participate in their education for the mandated 180 days a year. All children of compulsory attendance age (6 through the school year in which a child turns 16) must attend school on a regular basis.
In the case of a student's absence from school, parents are required to call the main attendance office at their school by the start of the school day to inform them of the reason for the student's absence. Otherwise, the school will make a reasonable attempt to contact the parents regarding the student's absence. Attendance phone numbers may be found on each school's site.
Please note that a written excuse must be provided and brought to the attendance office by the student upon his/her return to school. Without a note, the student's absence from school is deemed unexcused.
Code of Conduct
The Board of Education, in accordance with Project SAVE Legislation, has adopted a Code of Conduct for the district and for each of the schools in the Rye Neck Union Free School District. The codes govern the conduct of students, teachers, staff and visitors, and are meant to help maintain safe, orderly schools. The codes are sent to parents each fall. The school codes and the general district code of conduct policy are available at each school and published in each school’s handbook.
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
Computer networks are provided for students to conduct research and communicate with others. Access to these services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege - not a right. Access entails responsibility. Students are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks just as they are in a classroom or school hallway. General school rules for behavior and communications apply. Please read and discuss the Acceptable Use Policy (Policy 4526.1) with your child.
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
The Board of Education is committed to providing an educational environment that promotes respect, dignity and equality. The Board recognizes that discrimination, such as harassment, hazing and bullying, are detrimental to student learning and achievement. These behaviors interfere with the mission of the district to educate its students and disrupt the operation of the schools. Such behavior affects not only the students who are its targets but also those individuals who participate and witness such acts. Please visit the DASA webpage for details and information about DASA.
Rye Neck UFSD Harassment and Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy
Rye Neck UFSD Harassment/Bullying Complaint Form
Disclosures to Parents
Parents, upon request, may obtain the final quality rating and composite effectiveness scores for each of the teachers and for the principal of the school building to which their child is assigned during the current school year.
Educational Records
Parents have the right to ask for and review records about their child unless the district has been legally notified in writing that their rights as a parent have been terminated or otherwise limited by court order. Upon the parents' request, the district must make a child's records available within a reasonable time; in no case more than 45 calendar days after requested; before any meeting about their child's individualized education program (IEP); and before any due process hearing about their child's special education needs.
The rights of parents concerning educational records are given to the student at age 18. However, the district may disclose educational records to an eligible student’s parents if the student is claimed as a dependent for Federal income tax purposes by either parent, without the student’s consent.
Personal data about a child may not be released without a parents' consent unless it is given to school officials or district agents (e.g., school physician, school attorney, insurance company, service provider) with a legitimate educational interest, state/local educational authorities or certain individuals designated under federal law; or otherwise as permitted by law FERPA).
Equal Opportunity
The Rye Neck Union Free School District hereby advises students, parents, employees and the general public that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, national origin, religion, age, economic status, marital status, military status, disability, predisposing genetic characteristics or sexual orientation in its educational programs or employment practices.
This policy of nondiscrimination includes, but is not limited to: (a) access by students to educational programs, counseling services, course offerings, student athletics, student employment assistance, extracurricular activities and other school resources; and (b) recruitment and appointment of employees, as well as their compensation, benefits, opportunities for advancement and/or terminations.
Further, the District its officers and employees shall not discriminate against students on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sex; sexual orientation, or gender (including gender identity and expression).
The following are the District’s Compliance Officers:
Title IX (student sexual harassment/discrimination) – Mr. Joseph Ceglia, Mrs. Corinne Ryan
Title VII (employee sexual harassment/discrimination) – Mr. Joseph Ceglia, Mrs. Corinne Ryan
Title VI (discrimination based upon race, color, creed, national origin, ethnic group, religion) – Mr. Joseph Ceglia
General Nondiscrimination - Questions about this nondiscrimination policy may be directed to the appropriate Compliance Officer, c/o District Clerk, 310 Hornidge Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543, 914-777-5200. The appropriate compliance officer has information related to grievance procedures.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
As required under FERPA, the district would like to inform parents/guardians, and students 18 years of age or older currently in attendance, of their right to:
• inspect and review their child's education records,
• request that records be amended to ensure that they are accurate and not misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy or other rights,
and control disclosures from the student's education records, with certain exceptions.
FERPA Notification (English)
FERPA Notification (Spanish)
Free and Reduced-Price Lunch
Free/reduced meal applications are available at any time during the school year. Applications are available at the principal’s office and on the district website. Students who meet the eligibility guidelines are entitled to one complete breakfast (MS/HS only) and one lunch daily (all schools). For free/reduced meal applications please visit the Food Services Webpage.
Homeless Liaison
All programs and services of the Rye Neck Union Free School District are available to homeless students and unaccompanied youth. Whenever a homeless child or unaccompanied youth seeks to enroll in the district, and at least twice annually while the child is enrolled, the parent and child will be informed of their rights. Some of these are the right to attend the school they previously attended or to attend school in the district of current location, the right to be enrolled even though the admission requirements have not been completed and prior student records are not available, and the right to transportation to and from school.
The District's Homeless Liaison is:
Mr. Wil Siegel
Director of Pupil Personnel Services
300 Hornidge Road
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
(914) 777-4864
Limited English Proficient Students
Within 30 days of the start of the school year, parents of Limited English-Proficient students will be notified if their child is participating in, or identified as eligible for, a program of bilingual education or for English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) instruction. Parents will also be notified within two weeks after placement, if their child is placed in such program or will receive such services after the beginning of the school year. In addition, parents will be advised of their rights, including their right to decline having their child enrolled in the program.
Lunch at School
Information about the school breakfast and lunch program, including the district Wellness Policy and monthly menus, is available by visiting the Food Services Webpage.
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Parental Notifications
Pursuant to the federal No Child Left Behind Act, parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teachers and teaching assistants including:
• Whether state requirements and licensing criteria have been met for the grade level and subject area being taught.
• If the teacher is working under emergency or other provisional status under which state qualification and licensing criteria have been waived.
• The teacher’s college major and subsequent advanced degrees.
• Qualifications of any teaching assistants providing services to your child.
• If an uncertified teacher will be working in a classroom for four or more weeks.
Requests for the above information may be directed to:
Dr. Eric Lutinski
Superintendent of Schools
Rye Neck UFSD
310 Hornidge Road
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Parents Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security
Pursuant to Section 2-c and 2-d of the Education Law, parents and students are entitled to certain protections regarding confidential student information. The District is committed to safeguarding personally identifiable information from unauthorized access or disclosure as set forth in the Parents Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security.
Pesticide Application Notice
The Rye Neck Union Free District is required by law to maintain a list of staff and persons in parental relation who wish to receive forty-eight (48) hour prior written notification of pesticide applications at relevant facilities. To register and be on the list, please fill out a Pesticide Notification Form. Pesticide Notification Form (Spanish)
Students’ names, grade levels and photos may be published on the Rye Neck UFSD website, in school publications or released to the media to recognize student achievement or depict activities of the Rye Neck School District. Parents who object to the use of their child’s information or image for publicity purposes should notify BOTH the superintendent of schools and their child’s building principal in writing.
PLEASE NOTE: While the district will honor the request of any parent who has submitted written notification opting their child out of publicity efforts, the district is not responsible for media that covers news happenings, sporting events or school events.
Release of Information to Military Recruiters
NCLB legislation (No Child Left Behind) also requires that school districts disclose to military recruiters and institutions of higher learning, upon request, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of our high school students. However, parents or students may request, in writing, that the district NOT release such information to military recruiters and/or institutions of higher learning. Parents, or students who are at least 18 years old, may exercise the option to withhold their consent to release this information by contacting the high school principal's office.
Military Recruiting Opt Out Form (English)
Military Recruiting Opt Out Form (Spanish)
Special Needs
Children with special needs may be entitled to additional services from the school district in which they reside. If your child has special needs and is not known to the school administration, please call the District Office. New York State Education Law also requires that each public school district account for the education of all resident minors. Please help Rye Neck UFSD comply with this requirement. If your child is home-schooled or attends a nonpublic school and has not previously been registered with the Attendance Office, please call (914) 777-4862. Information can be found on the Special Services Webpage.
Student Directory Information
The district releases certain types of neutral student information (name, address, phone number, etc.). Under FERPA, parents may object in writing to the release of information.
FERPA Notification (English)
FERPA Notification (Spanish)
Student Health Data
Because New York State is interested in child health data, schools are required to record students’ height, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI). If our district is surveyed by the state, we will only share group data (for instance, the number of second grade boys whose BMI is below the fifth percentile), not individual data. However, if parents wish their child’s data to be excluded from such group calculations, they may do so by contacting their school nurse.
Student Privacy Rights
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) of NCLB affords parents and students over 18 years of age certain rights with regard to student surveys, instructional materials, physical examinations or screenings, and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information. The district will provide you the specific or approximate dates during the school year when any of the following are scheduled or expected to be scheduled:
1. Activities involving the collection, disclosure or use of personal information collected from students for the purpose of marketing or selling that
2. The administration of any survey containing one or more of the items in the PPRA;
3. Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening that is required as a condition of attendance, administered by a school and scheduled
by the school in advance, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the student and/or other students.
You will have the opportunity to exclude your child from participating in any of the above activities, by notifying the district in writing. Please call or contact the principal of your child’s school if you have questions about this notice.
Title 1 Parental Involvement-District Level Policy
Under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, school boards receiving federal Title I funds must adopt a written parent involvement policy that is developed jointly with, agreed on with, and distributed to, parents of participating children and is incorporated into the district’s Title I plan.
Title 1 Parental Involvement Policy
Wellness Policy
The Rye Neck School District is committed to developing healthy schools that support student learning and create an environment conducive to health and well-being for faculty, staff and all students, while also supporting parents in accomplishing this goal. To that end, the Board of Education has adopted a policy that addresses: nutrition standards of foods and beverages sold on school grounds; physical education; extra-curricular activities; recess; emotional wellness; staff wellness; nutrition education and student awareness; community wellness and knowledge; and health education.
Rye Neck Student Wellness Policy