Grade 8 Math Information

  • The purpose of the district mathematics program is to provide young students with experiences that will allow them to develop mathematical reasoning and acquire basic mathematical concepts and skills. The primary curriculum makes widespread use of manipulatives (concrete objects) for deeper understanding.

    The curriculum is designed to provide students with growth in competencies essential to mathematical growth. As they progress through their coursework, they will develop increasingly sophisticated problem-solving abilities, a range of mathematical “habits of mind,” and a set of highly developed mathematical reasoning skills. In addition, students will become increasingly proficient in oral and written mathematical expression, as they gain fluency in the language of mathematics and ability to make connections within mathematics.


    Types of Assessments: End of unit tests, mid-unit quizzes and cumulative quarterlies

    Prerequisite: Math 7 or Math 7 Accelerated

    Credit: 1


    Eighth grade mathematics continues with proportional reasoning and rational numbers. Students will also begin to explore more advanced algebraic concepts and geometric relationships. Throughout the year, students will continue to work on perseverance in problem solving by being able to make sense of and use mathematical practices.  

    1. Rational Numbers
    2. Exponents and Scientific Notation
    3. Algebraic Equations
      1. Linear Equations
      2. Literal Equations
      3. Systems of Equations
    4. Measurement and Geometry
      1. Circles
      2. Volume of three dimensional figures
    5. Angle Measurements
      1. Angles formed by intersecting lines
      2. Parallel lines cut by a transversal
      3. Triangles
    6. Proportional Relationships
      1. Ratios, Rates, unit rates
      2. Similar figures
    7. Transformational Geometry
      1. Translations
      2. Reflections
      3. Rotations
      4. Dilations 
    8. Graphing Linear Equations
    9. Functions
    10. Square Roots and Cube Roots
    11. Pythagorean Theorem

    TEXT and Other Materials

    Ready New York Mathematics Practice and Problem Solving- Curriculum Associates
    Teacher provided notes and handouts

    Be on time for class. Bring the materials you need and be prepared (have the homework that is due and study for any assessments). Be respectful and listen while others are speaking. Raise your hand to be called on. Respect classroom and classmates’ supplies. Be understanding that all students have different learning styles and learn at different speeds.


2022 Summer Assignment

  • All middle school students who are taking Algebra 1 for the 2021/2022 school year, must complete a summer assignment.   
    Log in to using the following codes to enroll.
    Teacher code: 241731
    Class code: Z9XL-7R2S   Algebra 1 - Summer Skills Builder
    Have a great summer.
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